SKU: 091250
£11.99 excl VAT
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Looking for a high quality inhibitor for a boiler system? Having trouble finding one which is reliable, quick to get and available at a price which you just would not find anywhere else? Here at MJT we have decades of experience working with every component inside a system and absolutely can’t stand when we find the internal setup to have fallen foul to the affects of acid corrosion.

In fact we got so annoyed with it that we decided to make our own brand of inhibitor fluid. This fluid has been scientifically formulated to deal with boiler systems of all makes and models. We use it every day on any system we lay our hands on to give that extra level of protection.

This fluid helps to keep metal and plated parts free of any limescale and works to maintain a high level of energy efficiency. Many people don’t realise that even a small amount of acid corrosion can have a detrimental effect on how a boiler can perform, even though it can’t easily be seen by the naked eye.

Our fluid can help with a plethora of common problems: from boilers that make the slightest troublesome sounds when on in the evening to reducing the pressure put on pipes, which in turn reduces the chances of the system bounding. We like to think there’s no problem too big or small that our inhibitor fluid can help out with.

If you want to know anything at all about our own brand inhibitor fluid, please get in touch directly with the MJT team. We take a personal approach to dealing with customers, so any queries regarding our products we’d e more than happy to fill you in on.

Looking for a high quality inhibitor for a boiler system? Having trouble finding one which is reliable, quick to get and available at a price which you just would not find anywhere else? Here at MJT we have decades of experience working with every component inside a system and absolutely can’t stand when we find the internal setup to have fallen foul to the affects of acid corrosion.

In fact we got so annoyed with it that we decided to make our own brand of inhibitor fluid. This fluid has been scientifically formulated to deal with boiler systems of all makes and models. We use it every day on any system we lay our hands on to give that extra level of protection.

This fluid helps to keep metal and plated parts free of any limescale and works to maintain a high level of energy efficiency. Many people don’t realise that even a small amount of acid corrosion can have a detrimental effect on how a boiler can perform, even though it can’t easily be seen by the naked eye.

Our fluid can help with a plethora of common problems: from boilers that make the slightest troublesome sounds when on in the evening to reducing the pressure put on pipes, which in turn reduces the chances of the system bounding. We like to think there’s no problem too big or small that our inhibitor fluid can help out with.

If you want to know anything at all about our own brand inhibitor fluid, please get in touch directly with the MJT team. We take a personal approach to dealing with customers, so any queries regarding our products we’d e more than happy to fill you in on.

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  • (4022)
*last updated 02:57:41